At risk for developing a pressure ulcer due to [specify].
Confined to a chair with safety belt or positioning pillow that prevents rising related to [specify]
Decreased endurance related to [specify]
Fear of [specify] related to [specify]
Frequent falls due to impaired balance and unsteady gait.
Has fallen [ ] times in the last [SPECIFY]
High risk for falls related to [SPECIFY]
High risk for pressure ulcer due to [specify].
Impaired skin integrity related to incontinence and immobility.
Inability to maintain appearance at a satisfactory level due to [bedfast/decreased strength/limb contracture/loss leg movement].
Inability to maintain appearance at a satisfactory level due to [impaired mobility/decreased strength/short term memory deficit]
Inability to perform own oral hygiene independently related to [specify]
Inadequate fluid intake related to [SPECIFY]
Limited physical mobility secondary to [specify]
Mobility impaired related to: [specify]
Needs assistance with Bathing/Hygiene related to [specify]
Noncompliance related to [specify]
Not participating to fullest capability in some activities of daily living such as [specify].
Potential for complications related to use of foley catheter due to [specify]
Potential for discomfort, complications related to dx of scleroderma
Potential for drug-related movement disorder or gait disturbance related to taking [MEDICATION] and [(Parkinsons/poor balance/tardive dyskinesia/loss of limb movement/motor agitation/swallowing problem/vertigo/accidents)].
Potential for skin breakdown related to [wt. loss/previous ulcers/impaired tactile sensory perception/use of medications/restraints/impaired cognitive ability].
Potential for skin tears due to aging, fragile skin.
Pressure ulcer or altered skin integrity related to [specify] as evidenced by [specify]
Pressure ulcers: Potential for skin breakdown or pressure ulcers related to [specify] as evidenced by:
Requires [#] siderails when in bed related to [specify]
Requires gerichair with tray related to [specify]
Social isolation related to [specify]
Toileting deficit related to [specify]
Total care for all ADL tasks related to [specify]
Urinary catheter is needed due to [specify].
Wears external catheter due to [specify].