Care Plan Library

Tags/Categories: [17]
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Cognitive loss/dementia or alteration in thought processes related to [SPECIFY] as evidenced by: impaired decision making, short and/or long term memory loss, and/or neurological symptoms.
Cognitive loss/dementia related to Alzheimers dementia, aeb: impaired decision making, short and/or long term memory loss, neurological symptoms.
Difficulty swallowing related to [specify]
Disturbing to others: Verbally noisy / Verbally abusive.
Has fallen [ ] times in the last [SPECIFY]
High risk for elopement related to [SPECIFY]
Inability to maintain appearance at a satisfactory level due to [impaired mobility/decreased strength/short term memory deficit]
Inadequate fluid intake related to [SPECIFY]
Loss of short-term or long-term memory related to [ diagnosis ].
Needs assistance with Bathing/Hygiene related to [specify]
Potential for oral/dental problems due to [specify]
Potential for violence towards self and other as evidenced by periods of scratching and hitting at self and care givers.
Requires [#] siderails when in bed related to [specify]
Social isolation related to [specify]
Toileting deficit related to [specify]
Wanders in hallways and into others room uninvited.
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