Care Plan Library

Tags/Categories: [17]
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At risk for developing a pressure ulcer due to [specify].
Behavior problem: resisting feeding, refusing to eat.
Chronic diarrhea related to [SPECIFY]
Complains of frequent hunger.
Decreased endurance related to [specify]
Dependent on tube feeding for nutrition and hydration, and is at risk for aspiration, other complications related to tube feeding.
Difficulty swallowing related to [specify]
Feeding tube necessary for nutritional needs due to comatose status.
Fluid volume deficit related to [specify]
Has a feeding tube which could lead to a fluid volume deficit related to inadequate fluid intake.
Has frequent dietary complaints
High risk for pressure ulcer due to [specify].
Inadequate fluid intake related to [SPECIFY]
Lost [specify]% of body weight in last [specify] days related to [specify]
Must maintain nutritional status via tube feeding related to [inability to swallow/refusal to eat/low cal intake].
Nutrition problem, actual or potential, related to [SPECIFY] as evidenced by [SPECIFY]
Nutritional problem: obesity. Client is significantly above IBW range for sex and height, with potential for complications related to obesity.
Poor nutritional intake resulting in loss of [specify] pounds during last [specify] days.
Potential for complications related to dx of Huntington’s disease, including cognitive impairment, communication impairment, mood/behavior problems, nutritional/swallowing problems, deterioration in ADL function, and risk for falls/injuries.
Potential for oral/dental problems due to [specify]
Potential for skin breakdown related to [wt. loss/previous ulcers/impaired tactile sensory perception/use of medications/restraints/impaired cognitive ability].
Pressure ulcers: Potential for skin breakdown or pressure ulcers related to [specify] as evidenced by: [specify]
Tube feedings necessary due to inability to swallow nutrients without choking or aspirating.
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