Care Area Tags (CATs)

Care Area Tags (CATs) is a term we use to describe categories or "tags" that describe areas of care. Most, if not all data libraries pertain to, categorize, or describe a certain area of care and fit under this framework. Care Area Tags can be related to other Care Area Tags. They can have parent tags, and child tags.

By setting up and populating tables to house categoreis or tags, then creating a mechanism to link care plan issue to these tags, Robintek has been able to create a framework for creating careplans most effectively.

Care Area Tags (CATs) in this system are broken down into three major categories:
  • Nursing
  • Medical
  • Pharmacological
Nursing. This category is broken down into several sub-catagories, such as but not limited to:
  • NANDA-International
  • Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC)
  • Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)
  • Person Centered Care
  • Gordon's Functional Health Patterns
  • Orem's Universal Self-Care Demands
  • Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
  • Long Term Care - Minimum Data Set 3.0
  • Careplans LLC
  • Nursing Specialty Areas
  • University of Iowa College of Nursing (NIC/NOC)
Medical. This category is broken down into sub-catagories, such as but not limited to:
  • International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM)
  • Medical Specialty Areas
Pharmacological. This category is broken down into sub-catagories, such as but not limited to:
  • Drug Names
  • Therapeutic Categories