Blindness due to [SPECIFY]
Complains of frequent hunger.
Decreased endurance related to [specify]
Fluid volume deficit related to [specify]
High risk for pressure ulcer due to [specify].
Inadequate blood circulation or ineffective tissue perfusion related to:
__ Dysrhythmia __ Atherosclerosis __ Decreased cardiac output __Diabetes
__ Infection __Peripheral vascular disease __ Thrombus
as evidenced by [SPECIFY]
Loss of short-term or long-term memory related to [ diagnosis ].
Lost [specify]% of body weight in last [specify] days related to [specify]
Potential for complications related to Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA).
Potential for complications related to HHNK (Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Non Ketotic Syndrome) secondary to dx of Diabetes mellitus.
Potential for oral/dental problems due to [specify]