Chronic diarrhea related to [SPECIFY]
Client has tracheostomy. At risk for complications including respiratory distress, increased secretions, wt loss, infection.
Client with antibiotic resistant infection, with risk for complications.
Decreased endurance related to [specify]
Delirium or acute confusional episode related to: [specify] as evidenced by [specify]
Dependent on tube feeding for nutrition and hydration, and is at risk for aspiration, other complications related to tube feeding.
Difficulty swallowing related to [specify]
Fear of [specify] related to [specify]
Fluid volume deficit related to [specify]
Impaired airway clearance, related to : [specify]
Impaired skin integrity due to surgical wound.
Impaired skin integrity related to incontinence and immobility.
Inadequate blood circulation or ineffective tissue perfusion related to:
__ Dysrhythmia __ Atherosclerosis __ Decreased cardiac output __Diabetes
__ Infection __Peripheral vascular disease __ Thrombus
as evidenced by [SPECIFY]
Ineffective airway clearance related to [specify] as evidenced by
Infection related to chronic/acute UTI.
Loss of short-term or long-term memory related to [ diagnosis ].
Lost [specify]% of body weight in last [specify] days related to [specify]
Oral/dental health problem as evidenced by: [specify]
Potential for bladder/bowel elimination complications related to colostomy/urinary ileostomy.
Potential for complications (discomfort, phantom pain, infection, altered body image, depression) related to new amputation of: [specify][specify][specify][specify]__
Potential for complications or s/sx related to dx of Hepatitis
Potential for complications related to chemotherapy treatment
Potential for complications related to intravenous therapy.
Potential for complications related to surgical wound.
Potential for complications related to thrombocytopenia.
Potential for complications related to use of foley catheter due to [specify]
Potential for complications, discomfort related to eczema
Potential for complications, discomfort related to exposure to scabies/lice/other parasite.
Potential for complications, discomfort, skin breakdown, infection related to dx of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Potential for complications, ineffective airway clearance, discomfort related to diagnosis of tuberculosis.
Potential for complications, s/sx related to dx of COPD, asthma.
Potential for discomfort/ complications related to diverticulosis/diverticulitis
Potential for infection, complications related to dx of urinary retention.
Potential for infection, complications related to foot or toenail problems:
- Onychomycosis (fungal infection)
- Onychocryptosis (ingrown toenail)
- Onychauxis (overgrowth of toenails)
- Bunions
- Corns
- Calluses
Potential for oral/dental problems due to [specify]
Potential for pain, complications related to fracture of [specify]
Potential for recurrence of Urinary Tract Infection/chronic UTI.
Potential to develop a urinary tract infection related to frequent catheter insertion and/or client pulling on catheter.
Pressure ulcer or altered skin integrity related to [specify] as evidenced by [specify]
Risk of Infection related to compromised immune response, invasive procedures, chronic disease, or environmental exposure.
Septicemia: High risk for complications related to septicemia
Urinary catheter is needed due to [specify].