At risk for developing a pressure ulcer due to [specify].
Dehydration due to decreased fluid consumption.
High risk for pressure ulcer due to [specify].
Impaired skin integrity due to surgical wound.
Impaired skin integrity related to incontinence and immobility.
Potential for complications related to dx of Anasarca (widespread swelling of skin due to effusion of fluid into extracellular space)
Potential for complications related to radiation treatment.
Potential for complications related to use of foley catheter due to [specify]
Potential for complications, discomfort related to eczema
Potential for complications, discomfort related to exposure to scabies/lice/other parasite.
Potential for complications, discomfort, altered body image related to dx of psoriasis.
Potential for complications, discomfort, skin breakdown, infection related to dx of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Potential for discomfort, complications related to dx of scleroderma
Potential for drug-related movement disorder or gait disturbance related to taking [MEDICATION] and [(Parkinsons/poor balance/tardive dyskinesia/loss of limb movement/motor agitation/swallowing problem/vertigo/accidents)].
Potential for infection, complications related to foot or toenail problems:
- Onychomycosis (fungal infection)
- Onychocryptosis (ingrown toenail)
- Onychauxis (overgrowth of toenails)
- Bunions
- Corns
- Calluses
Potential for skin breakdown related to [wt. loss/previous ulcers/impaired tactile sensory perception/use of medications/restraints/impaired cognitive ability].
Potential for skin tears due to aging, fragile skin.
Pressure ulcer or altered skin integrity related to [specify] as evidenced by [specify]
Pressure ulcers: Potential for skin breakdown or pressure ulcers related to [specify] as evidenced by:
Ulceration of skin [specify] due to impaired circulation.