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Regulatory Grouping

* Substandard quality of care = one or more deficiencies with s/s levels of F, H, I, J, K, or L in Red

483.70 Administration
F836 License/Comply w/Fed/State/Local Law/Prof Std
F837 Governing Body
F838 Facility Assessment
F839 Staff Qualifications
F840 Use of Outside Resources
F841 Responsibilities of Medical Director
F842 Resident Records - Identifiable Information
F843 Transfer Agreement
F844 Disclosure of Ownership Requirements
F845 Facility closure-Administrator
F846 Facility closure
F849 Hospice Services
F850 Qualifications of Social Worker >120 Beds
F851 Payroll Based Journal
483.75 Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement
F865 QAPI Program/Plan, Disclosure/Good Faith Attempt
F866 {PHASE-3} QAPI/QAA Data Collection and Monitoring
F867 QAPI/QAA Improvement Activities
F868 QAA Committee
483.80 Infection Control
F880 Infection Prevention & Control
F881 Antibiotic Stewardship Program
F882 {PHASE-3} Infection Preventionist Qualifications/Role
F883 Influenza and Pneumococcal Immunizations
483.85 Compliance and Ethics Program
F895 {PHASE-3} Compliance and Ethics Program
483.90 Physical Environment
F906 Emergency Electrical Power System
F907 Space and Equipment
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