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Search Results for: pneumonia
Dependent on tube feeding for nutrition and hydration, and is at risk for aspiration, other complications related to tube feeding.
Difficulty swallowing related to [specify]
Difficulty with food retained in his/her mouth causing [specify] problem.
Feeding tube necessary for nutritional needs due to comatose status.
Has a feeding tube which could lead to a fluid volume deficit related to inadequate fluid intake.
Has frequent dietary complaints
High risk for aspiration, complications due to dysphagia related to: [SPECIFY]
Impaired airway clearance, related to : [ SPECIFY ]
Ineffective airway clearance related to [specify] as evidenced by [specify]
Must maintain nutritional status via tube feeding related to [inability to swallow/refusal to eat/low cal intake].
Noncompliance related to [ SPECIFY ]
Patient has tracheostomy. At risk for complications including respiratory distress, increased secretions, wt loss, infection.
Potential for complications related to CVA as evidenced by Decline in ADL abilities, Cognitive impairment, Communication impairment, Dysphagia, Behavior problems, or Visual disturbance
Potential for complications related to dx of hyperparathyroidism, including osteoporosis and related conditions, kidney stones, hypercalcemia, dyspepsia, peptic ulcers
Potential for complications related to dx of Parkinsons disease, including poor balance, constipation, poor coordination, drooling, tremors, dysphagia, gait disturbance.
Potential for complications, s/sx related to dx of myasthenia gravis.
Potential for s/sx, complications related to dx of Guillain-Barre Syndrome or other polyneuritis as evidenced by: __ Weakness __ Numbness __ Paralysis __ Respiratory Insufficiency __ Autonomic nervous system involvement (tachycardia, bradycardia, blood pressure changes, cardiac dysrhythmia, facial flushing, urinary retention, inability to perspire, ileus, increased respiratory secretions) __ Dysphagia __ Aphasia __ Paresthesias
Potential for s/sx, complications related to dx of influenza, including: S/sx: __ Pain (musculoskeletal, headache, sore throat) __ Malaise __ Fatigue __ Fever __ Chills __ Nasal congestion __ Cough __ Tachypnea Complications: __ Pneumonia __ COPD exacerbation
Resident has a history of substance abuse: __Alcohol __Narcotics __Other drug use and has potential for complications such as recurrence of substance abuse, postacute withdrawal symptoms, mood and/or behavioral disturbances.
RESPIRATORY: Impaired breathing pattern, shortness of breath on exertion related to: [ SPECIFY ]
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