12:34 AMTuesday, February 18, 2025


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Regulatory Grouping

* Substandard quality of care = one or more deficiencies with s/s levels of F, H, I, J, K, or L in Red

483.15 Admission, Transfer, and Discharge
F625 Notice of Bed Hold Policy Before/Upon Transfer
F626 Permitting Residents to Return to Facility
483.20 Resident Assessments
F635 Admission Physician Orders for Immediate
F636 Comprehensive Assessments & Timing
F637 Comprehensive Assmt After Significant Change
F638 Quarterly Assessment At Least Every 3 Months
F639 Maintain 15 Months of Resident Assessments
F640 Encoding/Transmitting Resident Assessment
F641 F641 Accuracy of Assessments
F642 Coordination/Certification of Assessment
F644 Coordination of PASARR and Assessments
F645 PASARR Screening for MD & ID
F646 MD/ID Significant Change Notification
483.21 Comprehensive Resident Centered Care Plans
F655 Baseline Care Plan
F656 Develop/Implement Comprehensive Care Plan
F657 Care Plan Timing and Revision
F658 Services Provided Meet Professional Standards
F659 Qualified Persons
F660 Discharge Planning Process
F661 Discharge Summary
483.24 Quality of Life
F675 Quality of Life
F676 Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)/ Maintain Abilities
F677 ADL Care Provided for Dependent Residents
F678 Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
F679 Activities Meet Interest/Needs of Each Resident
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